sábado, 16 de julio de 2011

My Labyrinths by Maria Teresa Cobos

 Have you ever thought about how much energy is lost trying to make your way out of a labyrinth? With the small amount of energy I have at my disposal now, I can't enter into any, it's not worth it. I avoid them. My labyrinths are those questions that don...'t really have an answer, those situations from which you can't extricate yourself without sustaining an injury, those relationships which insist on control instead of relying on trust, friendships lost,  family members who've distanced themselves, and a long etcetera of ...what will they think? what might I have said? what did I do?.   Instead, I'm more interested in what's right here, the people around me, the ones who make up my immediate surroundings; those who, although thousands of miles away, make sure they're here for me, and those whose loving care has made them indispensible. I don't want Labyrinths! I could never defeat the Minotaur! 

2 comentarios:

María Teresa Cobos Urbano dijo...

Bueno esta es la traducción magnífica que ha hecho mi cuñada.

Anónimo dijo...

¡¡¡Como no lo entiendo....¡¡¡